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To simplify access to remote computers, PPA allows you to manage and save the credentials to as many computers as you are auditing. Select the Credentials item from the Options menu, and you will get a list of computers to manage (an empty list if you have just started). Press the Add button, browse for the computer you want to save credentials for, and press Select. On the next screen, you have to enter:


Domain/computer. You have already selected it at the previous step, but you still can press Select to the right to select another one.


Resource name. PPA will connect to the given resource to upload the special service (which will dump password hashes) there. Press Select to see the list of shared resources on selected computer (if allowed).


User name. The name of the user who has Administrator privileges on the given computer. Press Select to get the list of local users, and if needed, the Domain users button on the next screen to select one of the domain user accounts for any selected domain controller.


Password. The password of the user selected above.


Please note that if you enter a resource name and user name manually, PPA will verify them (as well as the password) only when auditing the given computer.  If something goes wrong (resource is not accessible, user not found or password does not match), you will be prompted to correct any/all of these fields, and if the updated information is correct, it will be saved.

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