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Searching for encryption key

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To break a compatible Word® or Excel® document, click Open file.


Press Yes, and the tool will start searching for encryption keys. Statistical information will be displayed during the attack including the current block, average speed (keys per second), elapsed time and estimated time.

Key search

Wait until the attack is completed to decrypt your file.


With the Forensic edition, you can speed up the decryption of supported Word documents and about 97% of supported Excel spreadsheets by using pre-computed hash tables.

With hash tables on the hard drive, the attack may take several minutes to complete. If the tables are stored on a fast USB flash drive or an SSD drive, most attacks will complete in seconds.

In Excel, not every file contains predictable data required for this method of decryption. Please note that if the key is not found using pre-computed Excel tables, you can still decrypt the file by temporary disabling this option and performing the full key search.


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